Sunday, December 6, 2009

Online dating good, bad, and scary

Here are some online dating blogs that I have come across, with interesting perspectives and anecdotes. - A San Francisco woman's challenge to herself to give online dating a chance 100 emails and 20 dates. Pretty interesting. I think that I may have offended her with a post that I put up there, because it has disappeared. I wished her luck, but not too much (so that she would keep blogging). One interesting feature that she has is the Bros Round Table, where she interviews her male friends to find out what makes them tick. I think that she misses the point by asking unmarried friends, and therefore she might not get insight from a person that is down the path that she would like to go down. She has sworn off engineers, so it's good for me to know what "type" (to the extent that a "type" can be defined) will not be a good match. [edit: Apparently my comment went into a moderation queue, and I didn't offend her, which is a relief, because that was not my intent at all. It's funny that she has sworn off engineers, because overall, she seems pretty cool to me. See the last pre-edit sentence again...] - Another San Francisco woman's take on things. Some interesting anecdotes, and a bit of a different perspective. I am still trying to figure out the bread metaphor. Yet another San Francisco woman's take on things. Poor girl really seems to be hard at work trying to find "him" and getting a pretty poor sampling of men in return.

I seem to have found the San Francisco woman section of dating blogs... Perhaps that is fortunate. It is interesting to see. I also kind of find it validating that their experiences match what I had somewhat suspected. I see the kind of men that they are meeting, and how they feel before, during, and afterward, and I see how that scene does not excite me. I doubt that I fit in with that crowd, and I wonder if I need to accept that my real life and online experience will probably be square-peg-in-a-round-hole in this market. Along those lines, I present a less-serious blog... - Why There are No Girls in San Francisco, a guy's take on what makes the S.F. dating scene kind of broken. Many observations are cartoonish and obviously meant as sarcasm. Pretty funny stuff, especially when he has a good kernel of truth underlying it. - I found this one because he apparently dated the woman from Bread and Boys (above) once or twice, and she discovered his blog and job. Kind of creepy, he's a dating coach in San Francisco. I haven't read much, and not sure that I will. Good to know the competition, but it may turn me even more off to the scene.

At this point, I should say that, just as the city itself is, the S.F. dating scene is the focal point and influential for the rest of the Bay Area, but it is its own world. A world that I did not think that I fit into before, and certainly do not feel like I fit into now. Interesting reading though. I found the sites by navigating from one blog's links to the next, so I will probably do the same for a Silicon Valley set of blogs when I run across that. That seems like the dating scene that I will be having to [endure, survive, suffer through].


On the bright side, I found this set by first looking up reviews of Crazy Blind Date, which is something that I might well try (as well as speed dating). Something completely different than I would have dreamed of ever trying or having to try.


a girl that likes bread said...

well hello there! completely flattered you're reading my blog. i agree. my life & words are probably not normal or usual. Mainly because dating is anything but. between my speed dating adventures, and pursuit of the next great date--i keep an open mind. that's the best advice anyone's ever given to me, so i pass it on to you. :)

incessant_din said...

vivlai, I think that your blog is quite well written. I like your "Losing my religion" post, for discussing the turmoil of somebody moving on from an under-satisfying relationship. Reading your blog, I get a lot of subtle insights into what I need to think about in a relationship, and perhaps what I did not do in my own failed marriage. Good luck, and I will definitely keep reading and learning.

incessant_din said...

And thanks for the advice, I am trying to keep an open mind. I'm just slow at change, and dating in this market is a huge change for me. Hey, I just had a phone call with a pretty cool lady yesterday that I met online, so there's hope that I might actually be functional!