Saturday, January 30, 2010

Airplanes, airplanes, airplanes

Well, without a wife around to pleasantly distract me, I have moved my obsessive tendencies back to airplanes. I realized that as I have been trying the online dating thing with limited success, that I would rather focus the majority my energy on designing and building airplanes than trying to do all that I can to find the right woman.

Don't get me wrong, I still need and very much want to find her, but the freedom to consume myself with work and play involving airplanes has proven very rewarding. So, I expect that the next few posts will go back to the airplane theme that I had originally envisioned. I have a DLG glider that I am finishing up, and I just presented my first-ever helicopter design paper... Work looks to be pretty busy, both in design and programmatic activities, and we're going to do a wind tunnel test in about a year, so I will be trying to learn and do a much as I can. I love my job! That doesn't mean that I can't love other jobs more, and I have a few designs that I am going to make ready for production and try to sell as a side business. Needless to say, starting and running a business is very time-consuming, and having a full+ time job alongside will make things tough. Long days ahead, by choice.

When I started adding up all the hours that I want to pour into these airplane activities, I made the aforementioned realization. I'll still try to find her, but I'm going to let that happen on its own timeline. There is also the matter of my 60lb warm fuzzy, Lucy, who may well be the most uniformly good creature that I have in my life. Time with chicks needs to take into consideration time that Lucy is alone. Lucy has kept me sane, and even taught me how to have fun while running. I have never been able to enjoy running for its own sake, but I find myself smiling on my runs now (seriously, every time for the last two months), and I was even running while laughing hysterically the other day. Time with Lucy gets my mind and body into better shape, so I will be ready when I meet her. Lucy is a gift from God, and I am not going to take that lightly.

So, the journey continues. Next up are model airplane tips, tricks, and frivolity. Until then, I present Snowman and Snowdog, the first item on the 2010 list to be checked off.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

A single new year

I am so ready for 2010. There is a lot of deceit and sadness to leave behind. I am already a lot better off than I was when I was being jerked around.

I have several goals for myself, and I am now coming to accept that I will probably be achieving them without somebody with whom to share the accomplishments. I have pretty much found the online dating thing to be a fruitless endeavor. I will still try, because I have faith in myself, and I have set for myself a date of September to stick it out. I have made some interesting observations and discoveries about the online dating world in general, and my local pool in particular. I may need to drop my current service and try one with a different crowd. I probably also need to come to grips with the reality that the Bay Area really isn't for me. I may need to choose to leave the job that I enjoy (and often love) for a place that I can be happy, with whatever job that I can find.

But I have more than enough time to see if anything comes of the Bay Area scene, nine months is a fair shake. There is a lot to do during 2010 in my hopper already, and it may be that by the time somebody decides to really find out how awesome I am, my dance card will already be full of single-me trips. Better for the dog, she gets a lot more attention :D Maybe I'll give her a kiss at midnight...

Friday, December 25, 2009

A single Christmas

Well, One more first out of the way. My first Christmas as a single in 6 years. Thank God for family!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Service with a smile

I'm finally being served! The mediator JUST got around to filing the petition on behalf of my FW (We decided she should be petitioner and me respondent). Now I can be served. Then I can respond. Then we sign some disclosures. Then we wait for judgment, assuming the papers pass the clerk reviews.

FW and I had a nice long conversation today after returning from the mediator. She looked to be in better health than in the last few months, when she had a stream of colds and such. My health, knock on wood, has been great. I have my interpretation of those facts, but I don't bother to share that with her...

In any event, I am totally ready to move on. I feel great about myself and I am over wanting her. Once we have the judgment, I can get to work trying to start my side business without worrying about some lingering entanglement.

Now I can be divorced! I'm a real boy! Broken, but no longer in limbo. Out of the ether and into the scratch and dent bin with the other divorced masses.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Cowboy Chili: An Engineering Lesson

A young cowboy walks into a diner. He sits at the counter and notices an old cowboy with his arms folded staring blankly at a full bowl of chili.

After fifteen minutes of just sitting there staring at it, the young cowboy bravely asks the old cowpoke, "If you ain't gonna eat that, mind if I do?"

The older cowboy slowly turns his head toward the young wrangler and in his best cowboy manner says, "Nah, go ahead."

Eagerly, the young cowboy reaches over and slides the bowl over to his place and starts spooning it in with delight. He gets nearly down to the bottom and notices a dead mouse in the chili. The sight was shocking and he immediately pukes up the chili into the bowl.

The old cowboy quietly says, "Yep, that's as far as I got, too."

You might be surprised how many seemingly great ideas have a fatal flaw that you don't see until you dig deeply enough into the details. Sometimes somebody has already treaded that turf and found out. If you are lucky, they will let you know before you waste too much time.

Winter weather

We had a dusting of snow yesterday morning, an unusual, but not unheard of event (the picture is not of this dusting, but of snowmen at the Sapporo snowman festival). This has reinforced my irrational desire to make a snowman. I don't know what prompted it, but about a month ago, I got the thought into my head as something that I need to do this winter. I don't think that it has gone full-blown, Richard-Dreyfus-with-the-mashed-potatoes yet, but I want to address it before it gets there. Maybe this weekend. I have some fun ideas so far. I might think something up on the drive as well.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Online dating good, bad, and scary

Here are some online dating blogs that I have come across, with interesting perspectives and anecdotes. - A San Francisco woman's challenge to herself to give online dating a chance 100 emails and 20 dates. Pretty interesting. I think that I may have offended her with a post that I put up there, because it has disappeared. I wished her luck, but not too much (so that she would keep blogging). One interesting feature that she has is the Bros Round Table, where she interviews her male friends to find out what makes them tick. I think that she misses the point by asking unmarried friends, and therefore she might not get insight from a person that is down the path that she would like to go down. She has sworn off engineers, so it's good for me to know what "type" (to the extent that a "type" can be defined) will not be a good match. [edit: Apparently my comment went into a moderation queue, and I didn't offend her, which is a relief, because that was not my intent at all. It's funny that she has sworn off engineers, because overall, she seems pretty cool to me. See the last pre-edit sentence again...] - Another San Francisco woman's take on things. Some interesting anecdotes, and a bit of a different perspective. I am still trying to figure out the bread metaphor. Yet another San Francisco woman's take on things. Poor girl really seems to be hard at work trying to find "him" and getting a pretty poor sampling of men in return.

I seem to have found the San Francisco woman section of dating blogs... Perhaps that is fortunate. It is interesting to see. I also kind of find it validating that their experiences match what I had somewhat suspected. I see the kind of men that they are meeting, and how they feel before, during, and afterward, and I see how that scene does not excite me. I doubt that I fit in with that crowd, and I wonder if I need to accept that my real life and online experience will probably be square-peg-in-a-round-hole in this market. Along those lines, I present a less-serious blog... - Why There are No Girls in San Francisco, a guy's take on what makes the S.F. dating scene kind of broken. Many observations are cartoonish and obviously meant as sarcasm. Pretty funny stuff, especially when he has a good kernel of truth underlying it. - I found this one because he apparently dated the woman from Bread and Boys (above) once or twice, and she discovered his blog and job. Kind of creepy, he's a dating coach in San Francisco. I haven't read much, and not sure that I will. Good to know the competition, but it may turn me even more off to the scene.

At this point, I should say that, just as the city itself is, the S.F. dating scene is the focal point and influential for the rest of the Bay Area, but it is its own world. A world that I did not think that I fit into before, and certainly do not feel like I fit into now. Interesting reading though. I found the sites by navigating from one blog's links to the next, so I will probably do the same for a Silicon Valley set of blogs when I run across that. That seems like the dating scene that I will be having to [endure, survive, suffer through].


On the bright side, I found this set by first looking up reviews of Crazy Blind Date, which is something that I might well try (as well as speed dating). Something completely different than I would have dreamed of ever trying or having to try.