Sunday, October 18, 2009

Piecing Life Back Together

I don't know if anybody will ever see any of this, and I don't know if anybody will care. I just feel compelled to write, and for more than myself.

First, some background: I am a 33 year old, male engineer and my wife has just left me. That pretty much brings you up to speed with the important details. Further posts will inevitably add to my story.

I am still debating how much detail I will go into, but whatever I post will be true. I think I am inspired to post because I have been comforted in the past by stumbling across other people's blogs where they shared the details of the pain and frustration that they have experienced, and where anonymous posters have actually been of some help and formed a connection.

For now, until the divorce process is over and the healing process is well under way, I will probably be a bit coy with the details of what has happened in the past, and what is happening in the legal procedings, but concentrate more on my feelings as I go through the process.

I think that a quick overview of my status is a good running theme to see if these evolve over time.

Status (FW = my soon-to-be former wife):
My mood today is: hopeful for the future, disappointed in myself for the past
My finances: uncertain
My relationship with FW: non-communcative, I am not mad or sad or hopeful
My relationship with FW's new lover: non-communicative
My relationship with FW's family: non-communcative
My friends' and family's relationship with FW: non-communicative, some resentment
My relationship with God: Total believer, stepping back away from deep spirituality to re-engage with living.

Is anybody else reading this who has going through the same, or have you gone through the same? If you feel motivated to add your wisdom for me and the rest of the online world, then please comment. I won't bite.

I have found a couple of interesting blogs where people have shared similar experiences. One is, although he was never as detailed as I am prepared to be about this process. He also deleted his old blog partway through the process I think, eliminating the record of a lot of what he was feeling, a mistake that he now realizes. Occasionally, you see that he is dating again and a lot less depressed. From what I recall, he was physically sick from the emotional rollercoaster. I have also searched Google for similar blogs. I'll put links to them on the sidebar.

Feel free to comment. Generally, only abusive, spam, or posts in bad taste will be moderated.

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