Monday, October 19, 2009

Day 4

FW finally responded somewhat today. I was getting worried that she might be really sick, since she was not doing too well the day we went to the mediator. She is OK, which is a relief. I don't need anymore information than that.

Went to work today. 13 hours away from home was probably not conducive to her feeling terribly connected. I now have 13 hours away from home, then an empty house. Well, there's the dog, and the dog is really good :) That poor dog now spends 13 hours alone, but she gets a walk and some snuggle time each day, and that seems to be enough for her. Who knows, though? I thought I was doing enough before...

Found out today that a friend had a massive stroke. My problems are really trivial. He and his wife still wanted to be together, and they are being torn apart. Now that's something worth crying about.

Status (FW = my soon-to-be former wife):
My mood today is: hopeful for the future, disappointed in myself for the past
My finances: uncertain
My relationship with FW: barely communicative, I am not mad or sad or hopeful
My relationship with FW's new lover: non-communicative
My relationship with FW's family: non-communcative
My friends' and family's relationship with FW: non-communicative, some resentment
My relationship with God: Total believer, stepping back away from deep spirituality to re-engage with living. Praying for my friend and his family

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